Chairs with Balls
That Improve Your Posture and Provide a Core Muscle Workout
Research physiotherapists at
Limerick University have compared sitting positions on a standard office chair and
The Back App chair. The team found that the activation of important trunk
muscles was significantly lower on the Back App meaning that sitting upright
required less effort.
The research leader, Kieran
O’Sullivan, said “Most people would assume that sitting without a backrest would
be hard. However, our work shows that using the Back App means that you sit
upright more easily.”
A small ball at the centre of the
circular base makes the user have to balance while they are sitting. The ball
can be adjusted to change the amount the user has to balance from very little
up to a level that provides a gentle core muscle workout.
The angle between thighs and
trunk (known as the hip angle) is greater than on a regular chair. This leads
to the shape of the spine, while sitting on the Back App, to be very similar to
that when standing up. This neutral position is considered an optimal posture
by physiotherapists.
The fact that sitting requires
less effort on the Back App, according to Kieran, is “probably because of the
larger hip angle or the motion of the seat or both.” Either way you will be
using less effort to maintain a good posture, exercising you core and sitting
on a very stylish chair.
This information released by Mike
Dilke, distributor of the Back App chair in the UK, on and
telephone 01727 757221 or 07979 248286.
All questions to the researcher,
Kieran O’Sullivan, to be directed to the University of Limerick press office
Christine Brennan
Protocol, Public Relations &
University of Limerick
Tel: 00 353 61 23 4921 / 086 781 8441
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